Community Foundation runs a number of projects and services covering each of our three work strands. To find out more about any of the projects, just click the relevant button below.
Supporting people to improve their lives by developing initiatives and projects
0121 312 0135
Quayside Tower
252-260 Broad Street
B1 2HF
Sahara Housing Scheme
Project Aims
To provide good quality accommodation for Muslim women with diverse needs, in a culturally sensitive, supportive, and safe environment.
To offer women the opportunity to develop the skills and confidence necessary to flourish in their own independent accommodation.
We have 1 single and 8 double rooms. We cater for individuals, and mothers with up to 2 young children.
The accommodation has, washing and cooking facilities, communal room, and garden, and a fitness room is also available.
Conditions of Occupancy
Clients in shared accommodation receive a 6 months tenancy licence.
The Sahara Women's Support Service help all clients, to find more permanent accommodation from either, private, or social landlords.
Staff and Management
The centre is staffed by a Project Co-ordinator and Key Workers. Children's & Young People's Support Worker is on hand to provide advice and guidance for mothers with children. Staff are available 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday. An emergency phone service is available outside of these hours.
Referrals for accommodation are accepted from any voluntary, statutory or private referring agencies. Referral information can be submitted on our referral form either electronically, or by fax. We aim to inform the potential client and referrer within 48 hours whether the referral has been accepted. If accepted and a room is available, an offer will be made and arrangements made to view, otherwise the client will go onto a waiting list. In some cases where further information is needed, an interview will be arranged. All referrals, assessment and risk assessments are monitored by the Project Coordinator and reviewed by the Chief Executive on a regular basis.
Support Services
Clients are supported by a key worker who works on a regular basis with them and other professionals who are involved with the client. The key worker co-ordinates the mutually agreed needs, and risk assessments, and support packages with both the client and other involved workers. The key worker will aim to work with the service user as often as is needed in order to ensure that move on accommodation is obtained as soon as possible as well as developing a package of individually planned care and support to assist the client in sustaining their accommodation. It is acknowledged that initially there may need to be more frequent contact that will decrease in time as the housing and support issues are addressed.
Throughout their stay, periodic meetings are planned for each client, to ascertain, individual housing and support needs, so as to determine the most suitable accommodation, for them to move on to, and to ensure that women can access essential services, such as benefits, and healthcare, as soon as possible.
Advising on benefit entitlement and access to public funds, including Housing Benefit (rent), Job Seekers Allowance and Income Support.
Help with finding permanent accommodation, providing practical support or assistance to tenants who are ready to move on and support to those who have moved on into their own tenancy to enable them to live and maintain their tenancy successfully.
Offering advice on matters relating to training and employment and education including job search skills, CV writing and interview techniques.
Providing training in life skills to ensure all residents have the ability upon leaving the scheme to live independently.
Using the support/care planning approach with an emphasis on multi agency working.
Providing advice on matters relating to pregnancy, parenting, sexual health and well-being.
Assistance with moving-on and resettlement. This includes giving advice on practical issues such as benefits, life skills, managing money, settling into accommodation and the area, informal counselling, linking to other agencies for training, employment or education, advocacy, and other issues of concern to them.
Giving guidance and advice, on how to obtain, where required, additional counselling and support, from specialist organisations, related to mental health matters, drug and alcohol addiction.
Being available on a day-to-day basis, to discuss problems, such as, in relation to client’s future housing requirements, including payment of rent, and advice on benefits.
Dedicated staff teams, with a range of language skills, and who have wide experience and knowledge, to facilitate a woman’s positive move on from the service.
Support package tailored to the individual needs of the women and their children.
Click here for Sahara brochure
Culturally sensitive, supportive, and safe environment for Muslim women with diverse needs.
Offers women the chance to develop skills and confidence for independent living.
Good facilities.
Shared accommodation with a 6-month tenancy license, with assistance to find more permanent accommodation.
Emergency support outside regular hours.
Key workers collaborate with clients and professionals to create individualised care and support plans.
Provides training in life skills to ensure residents can live independently upon leaving the scheme.
Advice on benefits, assistance with moving-on, training, employment, education, pregnancy, parenting, mental health, and addiction-related matters.
Tailored support packages for the unique needs of women and their children.