Community Foundation runs a number of projects and services covering each of our three work strands. To find out more about any of the projects, just click the relevant button below.
Supporting people to improve their lives by developing initiatives and projects
0121 312 0135
Quayside Tower
252-260 Broad Street
B1 2HF
Pride in Our Neighbourhood
Pride in our Neighbourhood Campaign Handsworth June 2015
The residents of Heathfield road benefited from our Estate Clean Up Campaign on Monday 8th June. Lead by our dedicated group of Community Wardens, the cleanup was supported by Birmingham City Council’s Fleet and Waste team, Handsworth Helping Hands and Handsworth Wood Residents Association, as well as Councilors and local the residents.
A big thank you to all the organisations, staff and volunteers for their active support and involvement.
Local residents came out to say how happy they were with the initiative and provided much positive feedback on our work. Residents also benefited from greater awareness of the importance of having pride in their community by keeping the area clean and tidy.
Great British Spring Clean
Community Foundation was proud to participate in the Great British Spring Clean on Thursday 2nd March 2017. Our partners and local volunteers worked with us to clean the local area in and around Lozells of litter and dumped furniture to make the area more presentable.
We are thankful to: Birmingham City Council Fleet and Waste Management; Louis Holliday and Jennifer Bentley from University of Birmingham; PCSO Robert Capella, PC Clyde Atherley, PC Ali Wood from West Midlands Police; Eric Gonzales and Norma Reid of Triumphant Church of God; Denise, Nick and Simon of Handsworth Helping Hands; Ataur Rahman Khandakar and Mahbub from Midlands Muslim Society.
Pride in Our Community Campaign - Estate Clean Up
As part of our ‘pride in our neighbourhood campaign’ Community Foundation in partnership with Handsworth Helping Hands is organising an estate clean up from Mon 11th – Wed 13th Jan ‘16 in and around Brackley Ave, Putney Ave & Putney Road.
Meet in the corner of Hutton Rd and Putney Rd B20 3QS if you want to volunteer. Local residents are welcome to join us on the day.
Estate Clean Up
Aston residents benefited from a big spring clean of their area on 25th March 2015. Pride in our Community Campaign organised by Community Foundation with support from our Community Wardens, staff from Tesco, Birmingham Settlement, Birmingham City Council and volunteers from Aston Residents Association along with Aston Ward Councilors, Ziaul Islam MBE and Nagina Kauser, helped clear up the area by picking litter off the streets. Residents also took benefit of the skip we sited at Tesco car park to deposit large items.
Estate Clean-up Nov 2014
Community Foundation organised a big clean up in Small Heath on Monday the 1st of December as part of our Pride in our Community Campaign. The clean was supported by members of the IFE Birmingham South Branch and children from the JMIC/Darool Uloom High School.
Estate Clean-up Dec 2014
Pride in Our Community Campaign - Estate Clean Up
On Monday 1st of December, we are going to do a litter picking day where we will concentrate on a roads of Small Heath such as: Coventry Road, Golden Hillock Road and the surrounding area. On the day, we will be knocking on doors asking the community to get together and help aid the clean up.
We would also like to take this chance to support and help out the charity ‘Medina Food Bank'. If you would like to help us out please bring any can food or food products that have a long shelf life, this would be very much appreciated.
If you would like to volunteer on the day we will be meeting up at JMIC Car Park B10 0LL.
If you would like further information please contact us.
Estate Clean-up Nov 2014
Pride in Our Community Campaign - Big Clean Up in Lozells
Community Foundation organised a big clean up in Lozells on Tuesday 18th of November as part of our Pride in our Community Campaign.
The event was also in support of support of My Neighbours Week and Inter Faith Week (17-31 November) The multi-agency clean up was supported by a number of organisations, including Birmingham City Council’s Fleet and Waste team, Midlands Heart, West Midlands Fire Service, IFE Birmingham North Branch, Birmingham Mosque and Dawah Centre, Handsworth Helping Hands, Handsworth Wood Residents Association and the Triumphant Church of God. Staff and volunteers, including Councillors Mahmood Hussain, Hendrina Quinnen and Waseem Zaffar took to the streets with litter pickers and black bags to pick up litter from the streets.
Staff from Community Foundation visited residents door to door to inform them of the clean-up, advise them of how they can keep their streets clean and assisted them with taking out bulky household items for free disposal. The Fire Service also undertook fire safety checks and installed free smoke alarms. Residents were also encouraged to sweep rubbish from the front of their house onto the roads to be picked up by the road sweeper vehicle which accompanied the group. A pocket sized guide with useful contact numbers was also distributed to residents on the day.
Pride in Our Community Campaign - Estate Clean Up
On Tuesday 18th November, we are going to do a litter picking day where we will concentrate on a roads such as: St Silas Square, Church Street, Part of Lozells Road, Finch Road, Archibald Road and Frances Road. On the day, we will be knocking on doors asking the community to get together and help aid thPride in Our Community Campaign - Estate Clean Up
On Tuesday 18th November, we are going to do a litter picking day where we will concentrate on a roads such as: St Silas Square, Church Street, Part of Lozells Road, Finch Road, Archibald Road and Frances Road. On the day, we will be knocking on doors asking the community to get together and help aid the clean up.
We would also like to take this chance to support and help out the charity ‘Medina Food Bank'. If you would like to help us out please bring any can food or food products that have a long shelf life, this would be very much appreciated.
If you would like to volunteer or would like further information please contact us.
Estate Clean up 2013
Our next estate clean up will take place at 11am on Sunday 8 September 2013 in Handsworth.
We will be helped by volunteers from the Challenge Network and also be supported by Birmingham City Council and West Midlands Police.
We will be going round the roads near Handsworth Park to pick up litter, record fly tipping, fly posting, remove graffiti, record and then report broken/vandalised bus shelters, telephone booths and street furniture.
If you want to join, do contact us, as we are always looking for volunteers.
Community Walkabout
We organise collective walkabouts in target areas between local residents and key service providers, such as police and housing, to highlight locations that attract Anti Social Behaviour (ASB) and talk to people who live nearby about the problems and then collectively identify which agency should take responsibility for the different problem and agree what will be done and by when.
This project deals with visible low scale easy fix ASB e.g. graffiti, vandalism, littering, rubbish dumping, discarded needles / bottles, etc, which if left unaddressed attracts further ASB and creates broken window syndrome. The remedial action is to quickly respond to the problems and carry out work which are not resource exhaustive.
Raises awareness about the importance of community pride and cleanliness.
Improve the look of the local area by removing litter and debris.
Build community connections through collaborative clean-up efforts.
Demonstrate commitment to environmental well-being.
Meet new like minded people.