Community Foundation runs a number of projects and services covering each of our three work strands. To find out more about any of the projects, just click the relevant button below.
Supporting people to improve their lives by developing initiatives and projects
0121 312 0135
Quayside Tower
252-260 Broad Street
B1 2HF
Know Your Neighbour
Community Foundation provided a befriending and support service to the elderly and isolated individuals through a team of volunteers who give few hours of their time each week to help a needy neighbour.
We provided a befriending service for older people who live alone– pairing them with a volunteer who they can meet on a regular basis. This included a weekly 1:1 visit from a volunteer befriender with the emphasis on listening and to use home visiting / befriending as a means of opening up other social opportunities for needy people, older people and isolated individuals
Volunteers with Know Your Neighbour project carrried out the following to help an elderly person:
· Shopping for basic food items/or going shopping together
· Help with changing a light bulb or fitting a plug on an appliance
· Reading forms and helping to complete them
· Collecting prescriptions
· Attend Luncheon clubs
· Going on daytrips or visit to the local park/library
· Having a cup of tea and a chat
All volunteers are required to complete a CRB form before to register on to the scheme.
The core objectives of the project were:
Enhance quality of life and increase confidence and resilience within the elderly and vulnerable communities. Our project works with the vulnerable and elderly people and communities to help bring about improvements impacting on their quality of life.
Help reduce isolation of older and vulnerable people in the community, either through receiving the service or through volunteering for it.
Help the elderly/isolated develop their confidence and resilience and increase their wellbeing, through the opportunity to form a trusting relationship over time with helpers / volunteers.
Increase volunteering opportunities in the local community.
Provides regular social interaction for elderly individuals, reducing feelings of isolation and loneliness.
Assists with daily tasks such as shopping, changing light bulbs, and completing forms, enhancing the overall quality of life for the elderly.
Promotes a trusting relationship over time, contributing to increased confidence and resilience for both volunteers and those receiving the service.
Creates meaningful opportunities for community members to volunteer.